Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tagaytay Finds

The whole Family just got back from Tagaytay. We were supposed to go to beach first at Laiya, San Juan, Batangas, but we got lost and ended up in Anilao. But then we need to ride a boat to get to the beach. The weather was quite bad and the waves were strong,so, we didn't risk ourselves. We went back and just headed to Tagaytay. We stopped by Sonya's Garden and bought yummy chocolate muffins, Pan de Coco, Hispanish Bread, Otap and Ogoy-Ogoy. Of course, a trip to Sonya's Garden won't be complete without having a pictorial at their beautiful Garden.
We stayed at Casa de Carlos and spent the whole day there since it was raining and Xianelle got sick. We had dinner at their restaurant (Ristorante de Carlo)and had a taste of their sumptuous Spanish Cuisine whipped up by the owner himself.
Although were not able to follow our supposed plans, we all enjoyed the trip. Just being together, made the trip a whole lot of fun!

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